chap 18

  1. 2. Ford: American industrialist, business magnate, founder of the Ford Motor Company
  2. 6. to make a difference without changing into something else.
  3. 8. Graham Bell: is credited with patenting the first practical telephone.
  4. 9. Carnegie: United States industrialist and philanthropist who endowed education and public libraries and research trusts
  5. 10. D. Rockefeller:An American businessman of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; a founder of the Standard Oil Company
  6. 11. a situation where there is a single seller in the market
  7. 12. and Orville Wright: American mechanics and inventors of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, then made the plane
  8. 16. a room or a set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block of apartments /a piece of land held by an owner.
  9. 19. the process of making an area more urban
  10. 20. line: a series of workers and machines in a factory by which a succession of identical items is progressively assembled.
  11. 21. enterprise: an economic system that provides individuals the opportunity to make their own economic decisions, free of government constraints, and as private profit-potential businesses
  12. 22. bargaining: negotiation of wages and other conditions of employment by an organized body of employees
  13. 23. a document giving someone the sole right to make and sell an invention/product
  14. 24. a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.
  1. 1. house: an institution in an inner-city area providing educational, recreational, and other social services to the community.
  2. 3. or prove to be right or reasonable.
  3. 4. Addams: was an American settlement activist, reformer, social worker, sociologist, public administrator,
  4. 5. establishment or hospital department where outpatients are given medical treatment or advice, especially of a specialist nature.
  5. 7. remove impurities or unwanted elements from (a substance), typically as part of an industrial process.
  6. 8. begin to move more quickly.
  7. 13. person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
  8. 14. put an end to or get rid of
  9. 15. Edison: “invention factory” at Menlo Park NJ light bulb and hundreds more inventions
  10. 17. a relationship in which one person holds title to property, subject to an obligation to keep or use the property for the benefit of another.
  11. 18. Gompers:was a British-born American cigar maker, labor union leader