Chap 18 sec 1,2,3 word search

  1. 1. a settlement house is a center offering help to the urban poor
  2. 9. unions negotiate with management for workers as a group.
  3. 10. Corporations,or businesses owned by many investors.
  4. 11. Henry Ford,an American manufacturer,made the automobile in 1900,available to millions of people.
  5. 12. to make different
  6. 15. enterprise
  7. 18. An entrepreneur is someone who sets up new businesses owned by many investors.
  8. 20. buildings divided into many tiny apartments
  9. 22. Alexander Graham Bell wanted to build a device that would carry the human voice.
  10. 24. system in which privately owned businesses compete freely
  11. 25. trust is a group of corporations run by a single board of directions.
  1. 2. to get rid of
  2. 3. “invention factory” at Menlo Park NJ light bulb and hundreds more inventions
  3. 4. John D Rockefeller ,also came from humble beginnings
  4. 5. to make free from impurities
  5. 6. Wibur and Orville Wright tested a gas-powered airplane at Kitty Hawk,North Carolina.
  6. 7. a vehicle’s capacity to gain speed within a short time.
  7. 8. A poor scottish immigrant
  8. 10. place where people receive medical treatment,often for free or for a small fee
  9. 13. Urbanization is the rapid growth of city populations
  10. 14. Monopoly is a company that controls most or all business in a particular industry.
  11. 16. Samuel Gompers formed a new union
  12. 17. to give good reason for an action
  13. 19. a document giving someone the sole right to make and sell an invention/product
  14. 21. Jane Addams is a reformer
  15. 23. Assembly line is a manufacturing method in which a product is put together as it moves along a belt.