Chaparral Cars Crossword

  1. 4. a clutchless transmission pioneered by Chaparral Cars
  2. 5. the underside of the Chaparral 2K contains two long tunnels, creating a low pressure zone beneath the car
  3. 6. material for the body of all Chaparral cars
  4. 7. the shape of the curved surface of a wing
  5. 9. the most important of Chaparral's inventions- it applied a downward force on the racecars
  6. 11. use the flow of air to cool a car's engine fluids
  7. 12. driver for Chaparral Cars during the 1960s
  8. 14. the Spanish word for "road runer"
  9. 15. a force resisting motion of an object in air
  10. 16. car desginer, engineer, builder, driver, team owner and manager for Chaparral Cars
  1. 1. measure of an engine's ability to do work
  2. 2. built in 1961 to test and develop prototype cars and components for Chaparral Cars
  3. 3. when this is applied to a tire, traction with the road increases and a car can corner, accelerate, and brake faster
  4. 8. the number of "Chaparral 2" cars created
  5. 10. Cars a race team established in Midland, Texas in 1966
  6. 13. the outside covering of a car that is supported by the chassis