Chapter 1-10 The Hate U Give

  1. 2. Khalil's grandmother
  2. 4. Detective who interviews Starr
  3. 5. someone who has been convicted of a crime
  4. 7. leader of Just Us for Justice
  5. 8. Seven's mother
  6. 9. to ruin/harm someone's good reputation
  7. 10. school where Starr and her brothers go
  8. 12. Officer's badge number
  9. 14. Khalil's little brother
  1. 1. the gang to which Maverick belonged
  2. 3. comfort or consolation in sadness
  3. 6. rival gang in Garden Heights
  4. 11. young king lord who helps Starr in the park
  5. 13. white car make that Maverick drives