Chapter 1

  1. 3. The study of the choices people make in an effort to satisfy their wants and needs
  2. 4. Science The examination of the organization and operation of governments is the focus of POLITICAL SCIENCE
  3. 5. anything that represents something else
  4. 8. perspective People who have this view see society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to create a stable and FUNCTIONING social system
  5. 9. study of past events
  6. 10. The social science that deals with the behavior and thinking of organisms is P_________
  7. 12. Marx Believed that the structure of society is influenced by how its economy is organized (MARXISM)
  8. 14. the social science that studies human society and social behavior
  9. 17. Psychology Study of how the social enviroment affects an individuals behavior and personality is S________ P_________
  10. 19. Perspectives Provides a foundation for sociologist inquiries. (a general set of assumptions or PERSPECTIVES)
  11. 20. an explanation of the relationships among a particular phenomena. (THEORY)
  1. 1. interaction How people use symbols when interacting
  2. 2. Society does not function
  3. 5. imagination The ability to see the connection between the larger world and your personal life is what sociologist C.Wright Mills called ____________ _________
  4. 6. perspective how individuals INTERACT with one another in society
  5. 7. The comparative study of past and present cultures
  6. 11. Function Intended and recognizable consequence of some element of society
  7. 13. consequence of an element a society produces for the maintenance of its social system. (how the society FUNCTIONS)
  8. 15. Functions Unintended and unrecognizable consequence of an element of society is L_______ F________
  9. 16. perspective focus on the forces in society that promote competition and change. usually CONFLICT theorists have this view
  10. 18. Durkheim Man that re directly observable believed that you should only study features of society that