Chapter 1, 2, 3 Key Terms

  1. 1. factors that limit or prevent change
  2. 5. a design that combines both quantitative and qualitative data gathering and evaluation
  3. 7. repeated studies to obtain similar results
  4. 9. research concerned with identifying relationships among phenomena
  5. 13. a seven level scale used to rate the strength of evidence
  6. 18. committees that review research proposals to determine whether research is ethical
  7. 19. reasoning that moves from the general to the particular
  8. 21. review by an institutional review board that requires all members of the board to participate; done if there is any potential risk to human participants
  9. 22. statements that include recommendations intended to optimize patient care that are informed by a systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits and harms of alternative care options
  10. 24. evidence that is verifiable by experience through the five sense or experiment
  11. 26. research that uses numbers to obtain precise measurements
  12. 27. clinical experimental studies that typically involve large samples and are sometimes conducted in multiple sites
  1. 2. a type of review by an IRB that can occur quickly; done if there is minimal risk to human participants
  2. 3. a set of concepts linked through propositions to explain a phenomenon
  3. 4. individuals who are the first to embrace an innovation
  4. 6. best practice recommendations based on an appraisal of information about a particular practice question
  5. 8. research to gain knowledge for the sake of gaining knowledge or bench research
  6. 10. individuals who are slow or fail to adopt an innovation
  7. 11. a category of research that is concerned with providing accurate descriptions of phenomena
  8. 12. research that forecasts precise relationships between dimensions of phenomena or differences between groups
  9. 14. reasoning that moves from the particular to the general
  10. 15. a report outlining three major principles- respect for persons, beneficence, and justice- foundational for the conduct of ethical research with human participants
  11. 16. changing practice based on the results of a single research study
  12. 17. research that used words to describe human behaviors
  13. 20. practice based on the best available evidence, patient preferences, and clinical judgement
  14. 23. first section of a research article that provides an overview of the study
  15. 25. research to discover knowledge that will solve a clinical problem