- 1. any business activity that change assets
- 3. the ammount retaining after the value of all liabilities
- 5. an amount owed
- 6. a person/business that a liability is owed
- 10. the use of ethics for business ethics
- 14. -a planned process to compile financial data and summaries results
- 15. a formal written document that describes the nature of a business
- 16. an account to to summarize owners' equity
- 19. A sale which payment will be received later
- 21. a form that shows what an individual owns
- 23. Finacial reports that summarize the financial condition
- 26. the equation showing the relationship between assets liabilities and owners' equity.
- 27. -the difference between personal assets and personal Liabilities
- 2. business that performs an activity for a fee
- 4. a record that summarizes all transitions to a single item
- 7. anything of value that is owned
- 8. assets taken form the business for owners use.
- 9. -when you plan, record, analyze, and interpret Finacial information
- 11. the principle of right and wrong
- 12. a business owed by one person
- 13. the cost to operate a business
- 17. a name given to any account
- 18. -General accepted accounting principles
- 20. Financial rights to an assets of the business
- 22. the difference between the rise and falls of an account
- 24. the difference between assets and liabilities
- 25. the increase in equity resulting for sale of goods