Chapter 1: A balanced diet

  1. 1. Basal ___________ is the minimum amount of energy required by the body to maintain important functions.
  2. 5. This means not eating too much or too little of something.
  3. 7. A _________ diet contains all the nutrients in the correct amounts to meet an individual's needs.
  4. 8. Our body breaks down food to provide us with ________.
  5. 10. As a teenager, we need to eat food to support our _____________.
  6. 12. Energy balance is when energy intake is ___________ to energy expenditure.
  7. 13. The Recommended _____________ Allowance is a guideline that shows the required amount of energy intake.
  8. 14. Males require more energy because they have more _____________ mass.
  1. 2. Energy _______________ is when it is used up for physical activity and supporting the body.
  2. 3. We need to have a __________ of food from different sources to meet the different nutrition needs.
  3. 4. A person with a BMI of 27.5 and above have a ______ risk of health problems.
  4. 6. Energy __________ comes from the food and drinks we eat.
  5. 9. They are chemical substances found in food.
  6. 11. Someone who is more physically _______ requires more energy.