Chapter 1 Crossword

  1. 3. cracks in the earth's crust.
  2. 7. Ancient human or animal remains
  3. 8. A complete orbit around the sun.
  4. 9. Giant slow moving sheets of ice.
  5. 12. Undersea earthquakes which cause massive waves
  6. 14. the process of breaking down rock.
  7. 17. A group of satellites travelling the earth.
  8. 18. A tool to help geographers gather information.
  9. 19. A layer of rock surrounding the earth's core
  10. 20. Individual features of the land
  11. 21. The earth's crust is a series of huge slabs of rock that move.
  12. 24. The outermost layer of the earth.
  13. 26. The layer of air surrounding earth.
  14. 27. ancient tools, pottery, and other items.
  1. 1. A year that contains one extra day.
  2. 2. The day that contains the most hours of sunlight or darkness.
  3. 4. Melted rock found in the mantle.
  4. 5. The sun, and the thousands of bodies that surround it.
  5. 6. One of seven massive land areas.
  6. 10. Violent and sudden movement of the earth's crust.
  7. 11. Natural Surroundings
  8. 13. An imaginary line that runs through earth's center from North to South Pole.
  9. 15. The process of moving weathered material.
  10. 16. The study of earth in all its variety.
  11. 22. When day and night are of equal length in both hemispheres.
  12. 23. The innermost layer of the earth.
  13. 25. A planet's path around the sun.