Chapter 1 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. non-numerical data.
  2. 3. level of measurement with no order to the data.
  3. 6. level of measurement with ordered data.
  4. 10. the science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and interpreting data.
  5. 12. data that can take any value within a range.
  6. 13. _______ statistics: estimating a population value based on a sample.
  7. 14. level of measurement with constant difference between categories.
  8. 16. a part of the group of interest.
  1. 1. numerical data.
  2. 4. the entire group of interest.
  3. 5. true/false: number of rooms in a house is a continuous variable.
  4. 7. ______ statistics: procedures to organize, summarize, and present data.
  5. 8. data that has gaps or can only take certain values.
  6. 9. level of measurement with a meaningful zero point.
  7. 11. discrete and continuous are both ______ of quantitative data.
  8. 15. true/false: letter grades on a report card are ordinal but not interval level.