Chapter 1 Puzzle

  1. 4. The spread of ideas customs and technology
  2. 5. River that flows into the Mediterranean Sea at a delta
  3. 7. Study of past people and their cultures through material remains
  4. 9. A feature of civilization that included bridges, roads, irrigation systems, and worked as connectors.
  5. 12. a feature of civilization that provided control, stability, safety, and protection
  6. 14. The time before writing was invented
  7. 15. Theme of Geography; Migration of people, goods, ideas
  8. 16. Found first early hominids
  9. 17. The river(s) that flooded randomly and were very unpredictable and dangerous
  10. 20. A theme of geography that tells where a place is on the surface of the Earth
  1. 1. Geography theme based on a grouping of physical, political, economic, or cultural features.
  2. 2. People have shaped and been shaped by the places in which they have lived.
  3. 3. Theme of geography that describes places in terms of their physical features and Human Characteristics
  4. 6. A feature of civilization that divided labor amongst people based on their skills.
  5. 8. Early writing used by sumerians on clay tabs
  6. 10. Raised area of flat land
  7. 11. A feature of civilization that allowed for documentation
  8. 13. Discovered Lucy
  9. 18. believed in many gods
  10. 19. Specially trained people who kept records for priests, rulers, merchants, etc.