Chapter 1 Review

  1. 2. An activity designed to test a hypothesis
  2. 6. The caterpillars in Mrs. Meade's classroom will turn into ____________________ butterflies
  3. 8. Wash your hands with both _____________ and water after handling chemicals.
  4. 11. Never mix __________________ together unless you are told to do so.
  5. 13. Information expressed in numbers
  6. 14. ________________ all electrical equipment at the end of the lab period.
  7. 15. ______________ resources form much slower than we use them.
  8. 16. Listen to or _______________ instructions carefully before attempting to do anything in lab.
  9. 18. ______________ variables are the variables the scientist manipulates.
  10. 20. Ask a question, make a hypothesis, conduct an experiment, collect data, analyze information, and report your results are all part of The Scientific ____________.
  1. 1. A resource is considered ______________ if it can continue at the same rate into the foreseeable future .
  2. 3. Wear safety ________ to protect your eyes from chemicals, heated materials, or things that might be able to shatter.
  3. 4. An educated guess.
  4. 5. An ecological ________________ expresses the environmental effects of an individual or population in terms of the total amount of land and water required.
  5. 7. Never "___________ around" or pay practical jokes in the laboratory.
  6. 9. ___________________ includes all living and nonliving things with which organisms interact.
  7. 10. If you need to smell the odor of a chemical, ______ the fumes towards your nose with one hand.
  8. 12. ___________ resources replenish themselves over a short period of time.
  9. 17. ____________ should be poured slowly into water.
  10. 19. Increased resource use can cause what scientist Garret Hardin called a ______________ of the commons.