Chapter 1 Review Puzzle

  1. 1. The most influential social learning theory devised by Albert Bandura emphasized?
  2. 5. Occurs after the research session is over.
  3. 7. _______ is receiving increased attention as investigators look for ways to protect young people from damaging effects of stressful life conditions.
  4. 9. In a _______ design, researchers gather information on individuals, generally in natural life circumstances, without altering their experiences.
  5. 11. _______ influences are events that are irregular.
  6. 12. This theory focuses on how culture- the values, beliefs, customs, and skills of a social group- is transmitted to the next generation.
  7. 14. __________ is concerned with the adaptive value of behavior and its evolutionary history.
  8. 15. Measures of behavior are taken on large numbers of individuals, and age related averages are computed to represent typical deveolpment in this approach.
  9. 18. Who is the father of behaviorism?
  10. 19. Compared to their agemates, adolescents from immigrant families are less likely to be ______.
  11. 20. Today, __________ are the largest generation ever to enter middle age.
  12. 21. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution emphasized _______ selection and survival of the fittest
  13. 23. This perspective assumes development is lifelong, multidirectional, and plastic.
  1. 2. Research that combines _________ and developmental designs is increasingly common because it permits correlational and causal inferences.
  2. 3. The ___________ view of development holds that infants and preschoolers respond to the world in much the same way as adults do.
  3. 4. Theories are influenced by the _______ values and belief systems of their times.
  4. 6. In ______ interviews, each individual is asked the same set of questions in the same way.
  5. 8. In this design reaserchers are not concerned about difficulties as participant dropout or practice effects.
  6. 10. Watson Concluded that _________ is the supreme force in development and that adults can mold children's behavior by carefully controlling stimulus.
  7. 13. A major limitation of the Clinical interview has to do with ________.
  8. 16. According to the cognitive-developmental theory, children _______ construct knowledge as they manipulate ans explore their world.
  9. 17. A +.55 correlation is?
  10. 22. How many months was little Albert in John B. Watson's experiement?