Chapter 1 Vocabulary

  1. 1. Institutes of Health
  2. 3. medicine,a form of medical care that creates living tissue to replace tissue or organ functions lost due to age, disease, injury, or birth disorder
  3. 5. research & development,occupations that are involved in bioscience research and development that applies to human health
  4. 7. Medicine,the most common form of medical care in the United States, which uses medication and surgery to treat the signs and symptoms of illness
  5. 11. proving a person's qualifications for a particular occupation
  6. 12. recognition from a professional association that an educational program meets minimum educational standards for an occupation
  7. 19. services,occupations create a picture of the health status of patients at a single point in time.
  8. 20. used to listen to sounds within the body
  9. 21. Informatic Services,occupations focused on documenting patient care
  10. 22. Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  11. 23. Health Science Standards,standards determined by the National Consortium for Health Science Education, which describe the skills that workers need to succeed in healthcare careers
  1. 2. field of science that manipulates individual atoms and molecules to create devices that are thousands of times smaller than current technologies allow
  2. 4. clusters,groups of similar occupations and industries that share a core set of basic knowledge and skills for all workers
  3. 6. complementary, integrative therapies,healthcare practices and treatments that minimize or avoid the use of surgery and drugs
  4. 8. perform tests that do not penetrate the body
  5. 9. procedures,surgeries that allow patients to leave the hospital shortly after a procedure has been completed.
  6. 10. ser,occupations that change the health status of a patient over time
  7. 13. services,occupations that create a therapeutic environment for providing patient care
  8. 14. education,any education or training following high school
  9. 15. ladder,a sequence of job positions progressing from entry-level to higher levels of responsibility and authority based on education, experience, and performance
  10. 16. care,therapies that treat the patient as a whole person after assessing the individual's physical, social, mental, and spiritual well-being
  11. 17. medicine,personalized medical care that uses a patient's unique combination of genes and chromosomes to prevent illness and maintain health
  12. 18. pathways,smaller groups of specialized occupations within a career cluster that require more specific sets of knowledge, skills, and training