Chapter 1 Vocabulary

  1. 1. all positive numbers starting with 0
  2. 3. term without a variable, it does not change
  3. 5. this property of addition or multiplication allows you to change the order of the grouping symbols
  4. 8. indicates addition
  5. 9. terms with the same variable(s) raised to the same power
  6. 11. numbers that can be written as non-terminating or non-repeating decimals
  7. 12. numbers that can be written as terminating or repeating decimals
  8. 13. numerical factor of a term, in front of the variable
  9. 14. to replace the variable with a given number and simplify
  10. 15. this property allows you to multiply the term outside the parentheses to all of the terms inside the parentheses
  11. 18. mathematical sentence that uses an equal sign
  12. 19. indicates multiplication
  1. 2. tells you how many times to multiply the base by itself
  2. 4. this property of addition or multiplication allows you to change the order of the terms
  3. 6. equal or the same
  4. 7. a number, variable, or product of one or more variables
  5. 10. indicates subtraction
  6. 16. positive and negative whole numbers
  7. 17. indicates division