Chapter 1 - What is economics

  1. 3. Because of scarcity, ____________ have to be made
  2. 4. manufactured materials used to create other goods or services
  3. 5. the study of choices that people make to satisfy their needs and wants
  4. 9. exists because there are limited resources and unlimited wants
  5. 11. For something to have __________, it must be scarce and have utility.
  6. 16. This is when developments in one area influence other areas
  7. 19. This can increase when there is specialization and a division of labor.
  8. 20. items provided by nature that can be used to produce goods & services
  9. 24. land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship
  10. 25. physical or mental effort used to produce goods & services
  1. 1. when one good is sacrificed for another
  2. 2. Interdependence occurs because it is hard for people and societies to be ____________.
  3. 6. A leftward shift in the PPC means that there was a _________ in resources.
  4. 7. study of choices made by economics sectors such as households & companies
  5. 8. examines the behavior of entire economies
  6. 10. Improvements in technology cause a ___________ shift in the PPC.
  7. 12. organizational skills and risk taking involved in starting a new business or product
  8. 13. the value of the next best alternative that is given up to obtain the preferred item
  9. 14. Anything that people use to make or obtain what they need or want
  10. 15. stands for “There is no such thing as a free lunch”
  11. 17. Specialization & division of labor allows workers to become more ____________.
  12. 18. Credit cards, barter, and money are forms of ___________.
  13. 21. War, disease, and natural disasters cause a ___________ shift in the PPC.
  14. 22. Economic ____________ usually increases with specialization & a division of labor
  15. 23. the capacity to be useful and provide satisfaction