Chapter 10-11

  1. 3. north American free trade agreement
  2. 6. facing wind
  3. 8. farming provides enough for needs of family
  4. 9. factory in Mexico along the American border
  5. 10. hole when land above collapse
  6. 12. farming company owns commercial farm
  7. 13. crop grown for sale and profit
  8. 14. group of islands
  9. 15. high flat land
  10. 17. worker working extra traveling from place to place
  11. 18. farmland owned by rural community
  1. 1. land taken from those with large amounts
  2. 2. watering of farmland
  3. 4. member of armed force not part of army
  4. 5. narrow strip of land with water on each side
  5. 7. strip of land jutting into ocean
  6. 11. Spanish owned estate in Americas
  7. 16. facing away from wind