Chapter 10 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. A sanction for offenders to remain in the community rather than imprisionment
  2. 4. A violation that is not criminal but violates the terms of probation/parole
  3. 7. Offenders monitored by electronic device
  4. 9. A sentence of imprisonment followed by probation
  5. 11. Number of probationers/parolees under the supervision of a probation/parole officer
  6. 13. Correctional supervision of offenders as an alternative to sending them to prison/jail
  7. 14. A short period of incarceration to deter more criminal activity
  8. 15. The formal process that follows the failure of following Parole/Probation guidelines
  9. 16. Diverting offenders into treatment/rehabilitation programs instead of punishment
  10. 17. Government seizes property
  1. 1. More restrictive than probation, less restrictive than imprisonment
  2. 3. Inmates released after serving their full sentence
  3. 5. Conditional release of an inmate prior to expiration of their sentence
  4. 6. Release of an inmate into a community supervision program at the discretion of the parole board
  5. 8. Preparing the inmate to return to the community
  6. 10. Civilians appointed to determine if inmates should be granted early release
  7. 12. Offenders serve sentences in their homes