Chapter 10 Crossword

  1. 2. _________ maintenance is the fourth component of safe playgrounds
  2. 5. developmentally appropriate toys can help reduce the number of these
  3. 6. classroom toys and equipment should reflect program ______
  4. 7. children should not be taught to handle conflict with aggression or __________
  5. 8. all toys and equipment require regular __________ to make sure it remains safe for students
  6. 9. this type of age is determined by a birth date
  7. 11. the amount of money you have to spend on your classroom
  8. 13. these types of toys and materials represent a variety of cultural and ethnic groups
  9. 15. if equipment does not ______ to children, they will not use it
  10. 16. these types of toys require little action on the child's part; examples are battery-operated cars and talking dolls
  1. 1. this type of age refers to the child's skill and growth level compared to typical skills for that physical age group
  2. 3. hot _____ surfaces on playground equipment should be checked before allowing children to play on them
  3. 4. these types of materials feature nontraditional roles, such as male nurses or female truck drivers
  4. 10. clay, paper, paint, glue, and other art materials are called _____ supplies because once they are used up, they cannot be used again
  5. 11. electrically operated toys with heating elements can cause _____, fires, or electrocution
  6. 12. many children die each year from choking on uninflated ______
  7. 14. when it comes to playground equipment, ________ should always be the main concern