- 5. The geometric and interlacing animal designs demonstrate the influence of Anglo-Saxon metalwork in the "Chi Rho" page from the "Book of _______."
- 9. In the interior of the Church of St. Cyriakus, the square piers and round columns form the __________. Hint: Two Words, No Spaces
- 11. The ________ and multicolored stone patterns on the walls of the Palace Chapel of Charlemagne demonstrates the influence of Byzantine architecture on Carolingian churches.
- 12. On Bishop Bernward’s doors at the abbey church of ___. _________ in Hildesheim, the left side depicts Old Testament scenes that prefigure the New Testament scenes on the right.
- 13. The masons included ribbed groin vaulting at Durham Cathedral. This would later become a hallmark of ______ architecture.
- 14. _________ church is an example of a stave church.
- 15. The lavish fields of gold in the illuminations of the Gospels of Otto III were inspired by Byzantine __________ conventions.
- 17. In a typical Romanesque church, the nave and the transept intersect at the __________.
- 19. The Virgin Mary holding the Christ child on her lap is the subject of the Throne of ________ sculpture.
- 20. Christian artists in Spain created the Mozarabic style by incorporating aspects of __________ art.
- 22. In the "Gero Crucifix," Christ’s body and pose were meant to inspire __________.
- 26. The plan of Romanesque churches developed to accommodate __________.
- 27. Bishop _________ revived complex bronze casting during the Ottonian period.
- 31. At the end of a manuscript, the signature of the scribes and painters and information about the book’s production is called a __________.
- 34. Animal style is a characteristic of the "__________ Brooch."
- 35. In the portrait of St. Matthew from the Codex Colbertinus, the figure of the _________ is most similar to a sculpted pier figure from a Romanesque portal.
- 1. Calm and _________ best describes the depiction of Jesus on the outer cover of the "Lindau Gospels."
- 2. Maius’s Seven-Headed Dragon and Woman Clothed with the Sun from the Morgan Beatus exemplifies the style of __________ art.
- 3. The Matthew the Evangelist page from the "Coronation Gospels" demonstrate how Carolingian artists revived ________ traditions by depicting a portrait of the evangelist writing.
- 4. Portals featuring monumental stone sculptures are a characteristic of __________ architecture.
- 6. A monastic workshop in which manuscripts were produced is called a __________.
- 7. Stylistically, early medieval art is characterized by its __________.
- 8. The Hinged Clasp exemplifies Anglo-Saxon art because of its __________ and interlacing animal designs.
- 10. The Hinged Clasp was found in an _______-_______ burial mound.
- 16. The cover of the Lindau Gospels depicts the __________.
- 18. The tympanum of the church of Saint-Lazare at Autun depicts the __________. Hint: Two Words, No Spaces
- 21. The __. ______ plan is significant because the functional arrangement of buildings corresponds to the layout of medieval monasteries.
- 23. The semicircular area above the door lintel of a church is called the __________.
- 24. In Romanesque architecture, the thick masses of masonry that counter the thrust of vaults are called __________.
- 25. At the Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, the monumental entrance block that forms an imposing façade is called a __________.
- 28. Describe the nave ceiling of Santiago de Compostela. Hint: Two Words, No Spaces
- 29. The central supporting post of a Romanesque church portal is known as the __________.
- 30. "Man(Symbol of Matthew) from the Book of Durrow" corresponds to Roman Christian models because it is part of a three-part decorative sequence that introduced the ________ of Matthew.
- 32. The Church of St. Cyriakus in Germany exemplifies the style of __________ architecture.
- 33. The ________ Embroidery was hung on the wall of a castle or palace.