Chapter 10: Early Medieval and Romanesque Art

  1. 5. The geometric and interlacing animal designs demonstrate the influence of Anglo-Saxon metalwork in the "Chi Rho" page from the "Book of _______."
  2. 9. In the interior of the Church of St. Cyriakus, the square piers and round columns form the __________. Hint: Two Words, No Spaces
  3. 11. The ________ and multicolored stone patterns on the walls of the Palace Chapel of Charlemagne demonstrates the influence of Byzantine architecture on Carolingian churches.
  4. 12. On Bishop Bernward’s doors at the abbey church of ___. _________ in Hildesheim, the left side depicts Old Testament scenes that prefigure the New Testament scenes on the right.
  5. 13. The masons included ribbed groin vaulting at Durham Cathedral. This would later become a hallmark of ______ architecture.
  6. 14. _________ church is an example of a stave church.
  7. 15. The lavish fields of gold in the illuminations of the Gospels of Otto III were inspired by Byzantine __________ conventions.
  8. 17. In a typical Romanesque church, the nave and the transept intersect at the __________.
  9. 19. The Virgin Mary holding the Christ child on her lap is the subject of the Throne of ________ sculpture.
  10. 20. Christian artists in Spain created the Mozarabic style by incorporating aspects of __________ art.
  11. 22. In the "Gero Crucifix," Christ’s body and pose were meant to inspire __________.
  12. 26. The plan of Romanesque churches developed to accommodate __________.
  13. 27. Bishop _________ revived complex bronze casting during the Ottonian period.
  14. 31. At the end of a manuscript, the signature of the scribes and painters and information about the book’s production is called a __________.
  15. 34. Animal style is a characteristic of the "__________ Brooch."
  16. 35. In the portrait of St. Matthew from the Codex Colbertinus, the figure of the _________ is most similar to a sculpted pier figure from a Romanesque portal.
  1. 1. Calm and _________ best describes the depiction of Jesus on the outer cover of the "Lindau Gospels."
  2. 2. Maius’s Seven-Headed Dragon and Woman Clothed with the Sun from the Morgan Beatus exemplifies the style of __________ art.
  3. 3. The Matthew the Evangelist page from the "Coronation Gospels" demonstrate how Carolingian artists revived ________ traditions by depicting a portrait of the evangelist writing.
  4. 4. Portals featuring monumental stone sculptures are a characteristic of __________ architecture.
  5. 6. A monastic workshop in which manuscripts were produced is called a __________.
  6. 7. Stylistically, early medieval art is characterized by its __________.
  7. 8. The Hinged Clasp exemplifies Anglo-Saxon art because of its __________ and interlacing animal designs.
  8. 10. The Hinged Clasp was found in an _______-_______ burial mound.
  9. 16. The cover of the Lindau Gospels depicts the __________.
  10. 18. The tympanum of the church of Saint-Lazare at Autun depicts the __________. Hint: Two Words, No Spaces
  11. 21. The __. ______ plan is significant because the functional arrangement of buildings corresponds to the layout of medieval monasteries.
  12. 23. The semicircular area above the door lintel of a church is called the __________.
  13. 24. In Romanesque architecture, the thick masses of masonry that counter the thrust of vaults are called __________.
  14. 25. At the Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, the monumental entrance block that forms an imposing façade is called a __________.
  15. 28. Describe the nave ceiling of Santiago de Compostela. Hint: Two Words, No Spaces
  16. 29. The central supporting post of a Romanesque church portal is known as the __________.
  17. 30. "Man(Symbol of Matthew) from the Book of Durrow" corresponds to Roman Christian models because it is part of a three-part decorative sequence that introduced the ________ of Matthew.
  18. 32. The Church of St. Cyriakus in Germany exemplifies the style of __________ architecture.
  19. 33. The ________ Embroidery was hung on the wall of a castle or palace.