Chapter 10 Modern Atomic Theory And The Periodic Table

  1. 2. distance between two peaks or trough inside a wave
  2. 3. what is white light?
  3. 5. all the Group IIIB to Group IIB (3-12) elements
  4. 8. When a gas emits light shown through a prism, the beaming colored lines are part of a _____
  5. 10. 2nd sublevel
  6. 12. 1st sublevel
  7. 15. the energy level expressed by the principal quantum number n
  8. 18. this method of arranging electrons uses arrows and boxes
  9. 19. this atom's orbital configuration is 1s² 2s²2p⁶ 3s²3p⁶
  10. 21. Who said this: “electrons revolve in specific regions at various distances from the nucleus called energy levels”
  11. 23. outermost electron shell
  12. 25. this atom's orbital configuration is 1s² 2s²2p⁶ 3s²3p⁶ 4s²3d¹⁰
  13. 26. as stated by this principle, an orbital cannot contain more than 2 electrons
  14. 27. this method of arranging electrons uses numbers, letters, and superscripts
  15. 29. energy is emitted in tiny distinct packets called _____
  16. 30. neon’s orbital configuration
  1. 1. in a given atom, no 2 electrons may have the same set of 4 quantum numbers therefore an orbital must have electrons with opposite spins ↓↑
  2. 4. Which rule is this: electrons will occupy separate orbitals of the same energy before pairing of electrons occur
  3. 6. Every principle energy level is divided into _____
  4. 7. all the Group A’s elements in the Periodic Table
  5. 9. columns in the periodic table
  6. 11. region in space around a nucleus with a high probability of finding an electron
  7. 13. this atom's orbital configuration is 1s² 2s²2p⁶ 3s²3p⁶ 4s²
  8. 14. small packets of energy in streams of light
  9. 16. electrons on the outermost energy level
  10. 17. 4th sublevel
  11. 20. 3rd sublevel
  12. 22. rows in the periodic table
  13. 24. Group VIIA Elements
  14. 28. lowest energy level