  1. 7. the practice of farming
  2. 8. Protest of tax of "luxury" goods like whiskey
  3. 11. First Secretary of Treasury
  4. 12. Vice President, killed Hamilton in a duel
  5. 13. First President of the USA
  6. 15. Third President of the USA, Founding Father
  7. 16. the wealth and resources of a country
  8. 17. The crime of encouraging rebellion against the government
  9. 18. date when person is sworn into office
  1. 1. Group that wanted a strong state government, but a weak central government
  2. 2. To refuse to recognize a federal law
  3. 3. name of all department heads when together
  4. 4. Rebellion against the French King
  5. 5. sharp object used to cut of noble heads in thefrench revolution
  6. 6. formal discussion of a topic with opposing arguments
  7. 9. 9th amendment
  8. 10. People who come from other countries and are not yet citizens
  9. 14. Group that wanted a strong, central government