Chapter 11. Crossword

  1. 4. The prime minister of Great Britain during WW2
  2. 10. The dictator of Italy during WW2
  3. 13. A farm owned by a communist country
  4. 14. A political system advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works
  5. 15. An intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory
  6. 16. The name given to the alliance of the USA, Great Britain, and the USSR during WW2
  7. 17. Giving into unjust demands in order to avoid all-out conflict
  8. 19. A camp where men, women, and children were sent to be executed
  9. 20. A national policy of actively trading with foreign countries to foster peace and prosperity
  1. 1. The president of the United States of America during WW2
  2. 2. The name given to the alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan during WW2
  3. 3. The dictator of the USSR during WW2
  4. 5. Items needed for fighting a war
  5. 6. The dictator of Germany during WW2
  6. 7. The emperor of Japan during WW2
  7. 8. A weapon with huge power created by splitting an atom of the element, Uranium
  8. 9. A camp where persons are detained or confined
  9. 11. A political system where the government is controlled by the whole population
  10. 12. A Japanese aircraft loaded with explosives and making a deliberate suicidal crash on an enemy target during WW2
  11. 18. A political system headed by a dictator that calls for the extreme nationalism and no tolerance for opposition