Chapter 11 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. to invalidate,make void
  2. 4. formal discussion on a particular topic
  3. 6. person who supports a government system where states unite under a central authority (hamilton)
  4. 8. the president's advisors
  5. 9. believed in individual rights and freedoms of the state (jefferson)
  6. 13. farmers' rebellion against the tax on whiskey
  7. 14. another advisor of the president, wanted to promote manufacturers
  1. 1. immigrants, foreigners, unwanted visitors
  2. 3. when the president is awarded his presidency
  3. 5. one of the president's advisors, wanted to promote farmers
  4. 7. the practice of farming
  5. 10. wealth and resourced of a nation
  6. 11. first president of the US
  7. 12. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against authority