Chapter 11 Crossword

  1. 2. A country that refused to accept Euros as their national currency
  2. 7. Official supranational body created in 1991, promotes peace security and justice.
  3. 10. Neighbouring country to the west of Afghanistan
  4. 11. A cultural sight in Ottawa Canada
  5. 13. A single collective of citizens with common interests
  6. 18. Separation of people into groups that are hostile and aggressive to people who's ideas differ from there's
  7. 21. Middle eastern country that Canada was sent too and was heavily involved in peace keeping with
  8. 24. An international organization composed of most of countries in the world, promotes peace,security, and economic development
  1. 1. When people have more money to spend and spend it on goods from undeveloped countries, therefore supporting their economy without even knowing it
  2. 3. situated around or inhabiting one of earth's poles
  3. 4. north atlantic treaty organization
  4. 5. An agency of the UN that promotes the exchange of information,ideas, and cultures
  5. 6. Irans prime minister that threatened the U.S.A. and denied the holocaust existed
  6. 8. Prevention of a build up of nuclear weapons, while allowing other countries to develop nuclear facilities for peaceful purposes
  7. 9. Organization of countries which French is the official language
  8. 12. This council called on Iran to stop its nuclear program and imposed sanctions when the government refused
  9. 14. An arm of the UN that monitors whether countries are observing the terms of a treaty
  10. 15. Author of the book "The medium is the message"
  11. 16. Gap between people with and without technology
  12. 17. A Ghanian diplomat who served as the 7th secretary-general of the UN
  13. 19. Dense radioactive metal used as a fuel in nuclear weapons
  14. 20. Represented by eight different countries as well as indigenous people
  15. 22. This disease demanded countries to work together and co-operate to find multilateral solutions
  16. 23. this organization included 150 countries and can monitor/control trade