Chapter 11-Metals and Non-metals

  1. 1. A number that represents the number of protons or electrons in an atom.
  2. 3. Metal compounds found in the earth.
  3. 4. A list of elements in order of their atomic number.
  4. 5. A process where the mineral is separated from the ore using are and water.
  5. 6. Electrons found in the outer electron shell.
  6. 10. Group 1 of the periodic table which are very reactive.
  7. 12. A particle that carries a negative charge.
  8. 14. An element on the left-hand side of the periodic table.
  9. 16. A physics property of a metal stating it can be drawn into a wire.
  10. 17. A number that represents the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
  11. 19. A process using electricity to extract a metal from a mineral.
  12. 22. A particle found in the nucleus with a positive charge.
  13. 23. A physical property of a metal relating to its bendiness.
  1. 1. Group 2 of the periodic table.
  2. 2. A row of the periodic table.
  3. 7. Metals have good electric and thermal?
  4. 8. A set of unreactive gases with full valence shells.
  5. 9. Also know as a group and elements share similar physical and chemical properties.
  6. 11. Shows the arrangement of the electrons in their shells around the nucleus.
  7. 13. A particle found in the nucleus with no charge.
  8. 15. A physical property of a metals describing its shine.
  9. 18. An element found on the right hand side of the periodic table.
  10. 20. A process of extracting metals from their ores through melting.
  11. 21. Group 7 of the periodic table.