Chapter 13 Puzzle

  1. 5. Specialty neurology clinics administer the ____ diet for uncontrolled seizures.
  2. 6. The incidence of cystic fibrosis is higher among _____ (ethnic group).
  3. 8. Family/Patient Centered Medical _____ Program encourages partnerships between parents, providers, and the community to best support children with complex medical conditions.
  4. 9. Condition in which vertebral bones in the back show a side-to-side curve, resulting in shorter stature than expected.
  5. 10. Some ____ therapies have questionable effectiveness and are perhaps even harmful to children.
  6. 11. Children with spinal muscular ______ have such major decreases in muscle size that growth may not occur.
  7. 13. Phenylketonuria is an inherited condition that causes _____ to build up in the body.
  8. 16. Professional guidelines recommend the use of indirect _____ to determine energy needs for very sick children.
  9. 18. Vitamin C may be prescribed above the DRI for some children with spina bifida who have frequent ____ infections.
  10. 20. A side effect of psychostimulants is decreased _____.
  1. 1. Uncontrolled movements of the large muscle groups.
  2. 2. Children with chronic conditions may have more difficulty meeting the DRI as a result of food _____, which can make them seem like picky eaters.
  3. 3. Similar to infant formula, children who need additional calories and nutrients can consume "____ nutritional supplement" beverages.
  4. 4. Structure in a child's home environment includes consistent meal and snack ____.
  5. 7. Even with good food choices and no eating problems, children with some genetic disorders, like Down Syndrome, tend to be ____ than peers.
  6. 12. The ketogenic diet severely limits _____.
  7. 14. Children with type 1 diabetes have both high and ____ blood sugars, not just high blood sugars, as in type 2.
  8. 15. Type 1 diabetes is related to immune function and results in virtually no ____ production.
  9. 17. A syndrome that will generally cause a child to be taller than peers.
  10. 19. A thorough growth assessment may be necessary, including skinfold thickness and ____ circumference measurements.