Chapter 11 - State Government - Part 1

  1. 4. Concurrent power
  2. 6. State power reference in the U.S. Constitution
  3. 8. 49 states organize their legislatures this way
  4. 10. Puerto Rico is one of these
  5. 11. Part of the Constitution that requires states to respect each other
  6. 12. Number of legislators in the PA General Assembly
  7. 15. Federal government powers
  1. 1. One-part lawmaking body
  2. 2. Lawmakers in PA are part of this group
  3. 3. 37 territories became states because of this
  4. 5. Level of government that protects states from foreign invasions with the military
  5. 7. City that is the center of PA state government
  6. 9. Term length for State Senators
  7. 13. State powers
  8. 14. Term length for State Representatives