Chapter 11/12

  1. 4. law that has been passed as legislation
  2. 5. protects basic rights and freedoms of all canadians, keeping it a free and democratic country
  3. 7. system of punishments for criminals such as prisons
  4. 8. a form of punishment that helps the criminal by offering them treatment so they are
  5. 9. basis of the British and canadian legal systems
  6. 10. deals with less serious cases, often civil lawsuits
  7. 12. a federal law that includes definitions of most of the criminal offences that the Parliament of Canada has enacted
  8. 13. the constitutional principle that all government action must be based on law and that governments and officials must obey the law
  9. 14. form of early release of a criminal where they agree to certain conditions
  10. 17. system that involves the branch of government that includes courts of law and judges
  11. 19. branch of gov that deals with wongs committed against each other
  12. 20. an act that covers the prosecution of youth for criminal offences
  1. 1. to be imprisoned
  2. 2. a clause that lets leaders opt out of certain parts of the constitution
  3. 3. law passed ny the BC legislatures, helps make sure everyone can participate equally in daily life in BC
  4. 5. of being apart of society
  5. 6. the highest level of court in most judicial systems
  6. 11. the most serious criminal offences under the criminal code
  7. 15. a branch of the law dealing with relations between private parties
  8. 16. one who exercises jurisdiction over the majority of provincial regulatory offences and municipal by-law prosecutions
  9. 18. its purpose was to make french the most commonly used language in quebec. French has to be the language of legislation and the courts, administration, work, and business