Chapter 12 & 13 Mini-Review

  1. 4. one's knowledge of personal traits, feelings, roles, and memories
  2. 6. a change in attitudes in response to information provided by another person
  3. 8. component of Freud's theory concerned with behaving in moral or right ways
  4. 9. treatment approach based on Sigmund Freud's psychodynamic theory
  5. 10. judgment about the cause of a person's behavior
  6. 11. researcher who conducted experiments with shock therapy and the use of authority
  1. 1. complying with a request from an authority figure
  2. 2. a protective behavior that reduces anxiety
  3. 3. simplified set of traits associated with membership in a group or category
  4. 5. the self that others see
  5. 7. acronym to help remember the Big Five traits