Chapter 12-14 Review (Law Ed.)

  1. 2. takes place when a person suspected of a crime is taken into custody
  2. 5. this search may only be for weapons
  3. 7. group of people with the same characteristics
  4. 8. a reasonable belief that a person has committed a crime
  5. 9. this is when the police question the accused
  6. 10. Accused must be read these
  7. 12. When a person voluntarily agrees, the police may conduct a search without a warrant and without probable cause
  8. 14. protects a defendant from having to testify against himself or herself in a criminal case
  9. 15. guarantees the right against “unreasonable searches and seizures”
  1. 1. used by many states in place of the prosecutor's information or a preliminary hearing
  2. 3. process is often used to obtain guilty pleas before the trial begins
  3. 4. amount of money that an arrested person puts up in order to be released from jail while waiting for trial
  4. 6. formal process of making a police record of the arrest
  5. 11. guarantees the right to a jury trial in most criminal cases
  6. 13. government provides defense counsel for these defendants