Chapter 12 Crossword

  1. 4. absence of breathing
  2. 6. high pitched squeaking breath sounds
  3. 9. used to treat acute allergic reactions
  4. 10. SOB (use _ for a space)
  5. 12. viral infection with barking noise
  6. 15. main organ of respiratory system
  7. 16. difficult speech
  8. 17. chronic dilatation of the bronchi
  9. 18. surgical repair of bronchi
  10. 19. throat
  1. 1. slow respirations
  2. 2. serous membrane surrounding lungs
  3. 3. TB
  4. 5. whistling breath sounds
  5. 7. study of ENT
  6. 8. pert. to nose
  7. 11. abnormal contraction of bronchi
  8. 13. insertion of needle into pleural cavity to remove fluid
  9. 14. inflammation of nose