Chapter 12 Mental Health

  1. 4. These factors originate or develop internally within the mind, which means there is potential to exert some control over their occurrence or influences.
  2. 6. The negative views that people hold about themselves.
  3. 9. Any characteristic of event that reduces or prevents the likelihood of the occurrence or reoccurrence of a mental disorder.
  4. 12. These factors originate or develop within the body and consequently may not be under our control.
  5. 13. These factors originate in the external environment and interact with other factors in influencing our mental health state.
  6. 15. Having a risk for developing a specific mental disorder due to one or more factors associated with genetic inheritance.
  7. 17. Increases susceptibility to and contributes to the occurrence of a specific mental disorder. They are the immediate factors or events that have cause the individual to experience symptoms ‘now’.
  8. 18. Sign of shame,disgrace or disapproval typically associated with a particular characteristic that sets a person apart.
  9. 19. Describes 4 types of influences that contribute to the development and progression of mental health disorders.
  10. 20. Increases susceptibility to a specific mental disorder (more likely to develop a mental disorder)
  11. 22. model, Model that emphasises how stress increases the risk of the development of a mental disorder. It explains why some people may develop a mental disorder when they experience stress and others do not.
  1. 1. Any aspect of a person’s identity that is devalued in the a social context.
  2. 2. Having little belief in the ability to succeed in a specific situation or complete a task.
  3. 3. Having little to no reduction in the number or severity of symptoms despite taking medication as prescribed.
  4. 5. Difficulty with goal-directed thinking, making inferences from information and drawing conclusions.
  5. 7. Any characteristic or event that increases the likelihood of the development or progression of a mental disorder.
  6. 8. Repeatedly thinking about undesirable thought and feelings, without acting to change them.
  7. 10. Maintains the occurrence of a specific mental disorder and inhibits recovery. They cause the person’s symptoms to continue or worsen over time.
  8. 11. Type of attachment characterised by inconsistent or contradictory behaviour patterns in the presence of a primary caregiver.
  9. 14. The emotional bond which forms between an infant and caregiver.
  10. 16. The aggregate risk to mental health from the combined effects of exposure to multiple biological, psychological and/or social factors.
  11. 20. Sleep that is lacking in quantity and quality, often seen before the onset or as a result of a mental disorder.
  12. 21. The _________ the number of risk factors, the greater the likelihood a person will experience a mental disorder.