Chapter 12: Shaping a Unique Worldview

  1. 2. The ancient religion of Japan, based on harmony with nature
  2. 5. Devastating tidal waves that affect Japan and other costal nations
  3. 9. Land suitable for farming is considered this
  4. 12. Because of its nature as an island country, Japan is ________ from its neighbours
  5. 13. A three-line Japanese poem, following a specific format
  6. 15. A long chain of many islands
  7. 16. A "divine wind" that protected the Japanese from Mongol invaders
  8. 17. A person who remains composed and patient throughout hardships
  1. 1. A special ceremony observed with regularity
  2. 3. The Japanese attempted to do this to their Indigenous people
  3. 4. A ________ society is made up of people who share common values, beliefs, and natures
  4. 6. Traditional festivals held throughout the year to please the gods of nature
  5. 7. Chinese characters that were adopted by the Japanese, and later combined with Japanese characters
  6. 8. Things such as fire, water, animals, and plants, regarded as gods by the Indigenous people of Japan
  7. 10. The Indigenous people of Japan
  8. 11. The emperors of Japan were considered the descendants of this sun goddess
  9. 14. The Japanese word for deities or sacred beings