Chapter 12 Vocab

  1. 3. largest planet that has giant red spot and over 61 moons
  2. 5. small pieces of comet when they move throughout space
  3. 7. closest planet to the sun that has many craters and cliffs
  4. 9. planet that is similar to Earth in size and mass that has an extremely dense atmosphere of clouds
  5. 10. small meteoroid that burns up in Earth's atmosphere
  6. 12. area between mars and jupiter where most asteroids lie
  7. 13. Planet known for its rings
  8. 15. this happens when Earth's orbit passes through a group of meteoroids that enter the atmosphere
  9. 17. category of planets that are large and lighweight
  10. 18. meteoroid that strikes Earth
  1. 1. this planet is large and gaseous with a moon called Triton
  2. 2. sun centered model of the solar system
  3. 4. earth centered model of the solar system
  4. 6. Now known as a dwarf planet
  5. 8. This planet has an axis nearly parallel to its plane of orbit
  6. 11. German mathematician that discovered that the planets' orbits were elliptical
  7. 14. rocks similar to the ones that formed planets
  8. 15. This planet has the largest volcano in the solar system and is the last of the inner planets
  9. 16. more than 70% of this planet's surface is covered in water
  10. 19. category of planets that are small and rocky with iron cores