Chapter 13: Respiratory System

  1. 3. pair of tonsils flanking the oropharynx
  2. 5. single tonsil, also called adenoid, located in the nasopharynx
  3. 8. a muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity
  4. 9. the opening between the vocal cords in the larynx
  5. 13. membrane composed of the alveolar wall, the capillary wall, and their basement membranes; gases must cross this membrane from proper exchange to occur
  6. 15. pattern of breathing faster and deeper during exercise
  7. 16. all respiratory passages that carry air to the terminal bronchioles and beyond
  8. 19. the only external organ of the respiratory system
  9. 22. projections from the walls of the nasal cavity that increase air turbulence and the surface area of mucous membrane exposed to the air to aid in warming and moistening
  10. 24. pressure in the space between the pleurae; always negative compared to intrapulmonary pressure
  11. 25. roof of the mouth
  12. 26. a chemical substance coating the pulmonary alveoli walls that reduces surface tension, thus preventing collapse of the alveoli after expiration
  13. 28. air remaining in the lungs after exhalation that cannot be voluntarily exhaled
  14. 31. the elastic cartilage at the back of the throat; covers the glottis during swallowing
  15. 32. organs of the respiratory system responsible for air exchange with the outside and gas exchange with blood
  16. 33. part of the lung that leads into the alveoli and is involved in gas exchange
  17. 35. the windpipe; the respiratory tube extending from larynx to bronchi
  18. 36. the board inferior area of each lung resting on the diaphragm
  19. 38. serous membrane layer covering the cavity in which the lung resides
  20. 40. the process of supplying the body with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide; includes both internal and external respiration
  21. 41. soft respiratory sounds produced when air fills the alveoli
  1. 1. roof of mouth formed by the fusion of the two maxillae bones
  2. 2. divisions of the trachea that lead into the right and left lungs
  3. 4. the act of expelling air from the lungs; exhalation
  4. 6. folds in the mucous membrane of the larynx that vibrate to produce sound
  5. 7. portion of the roof of the mouth that is not supported by bone
  6. 10. the muscular tube extending from the posterior of the nasal cavities to the esophagus.
  7. 11. the region of the thoracic cavity between the lungs that houses the heart
  8. 12. amount of air that can be forcibly inhaled in addition to tidal volume
  9. 14. air-filled spaces within the maxillae on either side of the nasal cavity that are lined with mucous membrane; help lighten the skull
  10. 17. the volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs by forcible expiration after the deepest inspiration; total exchangeable air.
  11. 18. cartilage connective tissue containing collagen fibers
  12. 20. serous membrane layer covering the surface of each lung
  13. 21. tissue at midline that separates the nasal cavity into right and left sides
  14. 23. the smallest conducting passages in the lungs
  15. 25. the presence of air or gas in a pleural
  16. 27. amount of air inhaled or exhaled with a normal breath
  17. 29. the cartilaginous organ located between the trachea and the pharynx; voice box
  18. 30. pair of tonsils at the base of the tongue
  19. 34. hemoglobin combined with oxygen
  20. 37. volume of air that never reaches the alveoli and does not participate in gas exchange
  21. 39. the drawing of air into the lungs inhalation