Chapter 13 Section 5

  1. 4. Newton discovered gravity
  2. 6. a step-by-step process of discovery
  3. 9. assembled astromical telescope
  4. 10. Author of 'On the the structure of the Human body'
  5. 11. a person who is an expert in the study of knowledge
  6. 14. calculated the orbits of the planets revolving the sun
  7. 17. third step of the Scientific Method
  8. 18. to go against
  9. 19. provided evidence that supported Copernicus's theory
  10. 20. when the Scientific revolution began
  1. 1. Sun-centered model of the universe
  2. 2. last name is bacon
  3. 3. who described circulation of blood
  4. 5. Author of 'On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres
  5. 7. branch of mathimatics
  6. 8. object used to view the stars
  7. 12. the force that causes the planets to orbit
  8. 13. english chemist who refined the view of chemicals as basic building blocks
  9. 15. who developed ointments for preventing infections
  10. 16. of the Englishmen who developed the Scientific Method