Chapter 14 + 15

  1. 6. a child or teenager who commits a serious crime repeatedly breaks the law
  2. 9. a lack of proper care and attention
  3. 10. a formal notice that a lawsuit has been brought
  4. 15. the person who files a lawsuit
  5. 17. following established legal procedures
  6. 18. a juvenile court process that is much like a preliminary hearing in adult criminal law
  7. 20. a legal action in which a person or group sues
  8. 21. a system of law based on precedent and customs
  9. 22. a sum of money used to get someone out of jail
  10. 23. a law written by a legislative branch of government
  11. 25. a court order allowing law enforcement to search a suspects home or business
  12. 26. a process by which lawyers have the opportunity to check the facts and gather evidence before a trial
  13. 27. minor crime for which a person can be fined a small sum of money or jailed for one year
  14. 29. a youth charged with being beyond the control of his or her legal guardian
  15. 30. the punishment given to someone found guilty of committing a crime
  1. 1. a notice directing someone to appear in court to answer a complaint or charge
  2. 2. a set of promises between two parties enfoced by law
  3. 3. rules and regulations set government agencies
  4. 4. to correct a person's behavior
  5. 5. money ordered by a court to be paid for injuries or losses of suffered
  6. 7. a youth who has committed an offense that is punishable by criminal processs
  7. 8. a state's written criminal laws
  8. 11. a ruling that is used as the basis for a judicial decision in a later, similar case
  9. 12. more serious crime such as murder, rape, kidnapping, or robbery
  10. 13. an act that breaks the law
  11. 14. the person who is being sued
  12. 16. a wrongful act other than breaking a contract
  13. 19. taking charge of someone in offical way
  14. 24. a law established by judicial decision instead of by legislative action
  15. 28. putting someone on trial for a crime foe which he or she was previously acquitted