Chapter 14

  1. 1. Maine, battleship sent to Cuba to aid in the independence efforts that eventually was blown up
  2. 5. Mans Burden, the alleged duty of white colonizers to care for nonwhite Indigenous subjects in their colonial possessions.
  3. 8. a territory of the United States gained in 1898
  4. 9. White Fleet, A group of battleships from the United States that contributed to U.S. imperialism
  5. 10. Amendment, piece added to the Cuban Constitution to protect American interests
  6. 11. B Dole, influential businessman in Hawaii that pushed to overthrow the government and establish U.S. control
  7. 12. Policy, the way a country deals with other countries
  8. 13. Journalism, exaggerated news stories created to attract and enrage readers
  9. 15. Constitution, government document created in Hawaii by force
  10. 17. a territory of the United States gained in 1898
  11. 18. Riders, volunteer cavalry unit created by T. Roosevelt
  12. 19. Juan Hill, battle in Cuba that proved to be the greatest victory for the Rough Riders
  13. 20. country under colonial rule that received aid from the United States
  14. 21. McKinley, president of the United States during the Spanish American war
  15. 23. Roosevelt, Deputy Secretary of the Navy and military leader during the Spanish American War
  16. 24. an organized division of a country that is not yet admitted to the full rights of a state.
  17. 25. colonial government controlling Cuba
  1. 2. Folly, the nickname given for the purchase of Alaska by people who did not agree with it
  2. 3. Rico, a territory of the United States gained in 1898
  3. 4. the Maine, rallying cry of soldiers during the Spanish-American War
  4. 6. gaining control over lands and using them to build an empire.
  5. 7. a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country
  6. 14. Queen of Hawaii
  7. 16. Door Policy, concept that allowed the U.S. and European nations to trade with China during the early 1900s
  8. 22. The policy that the United States should stay out of other countries problems and issues