Chapter 14 Ancient Egypt

  1. 4. water from snow or ice that thaws as the temperature rises
  2. 5. a government run by religious leaders and religious laws
  3. 6. a dry region that receives little rainfall and cannot support much vegetation
  4. 7. the large desert that spans much of northern Africa
  5. 9. the process of drying out a body, thus preserving it
  6. 12. a paper-like material made from a reed plant
  7. 15. a fertile spot where water is found in a desert
  8. 18. a man-made system for moving water from its source to where it can be used for growing crops
  9. 19. delta a fan-shaped landform that forms at the mouth of a river
  10. 20. picture-like symbols used as a form of writing
  1. 1. a massive Egyptian monument with a rectangular base and triangular sides that meet at a point
  2. 2. the belief in or worship of more than one god
  3. 3. a system of measuring and identifying time in terms of days, weeks, months, years, and seasons
  4. 4. fine sand, soil, or clay carried by running water and deposited on land
  5. 8. the scientific study of the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space
  6. 9. the science of healing
  7. 10. a man-made waterway used to carry ships or irrigate crops
  8. 11. a powerful ruler in Egypt
  9. 13. a person trained to write and keep records
  10. 14. able to support the healthy growth of many things, especially plants
  11. 16. a large waterfall
  12. 17. a system of measuring angles, shapes, and spaces