Chapter 14 - Plate Tectonics

  1. 7. event in which the magnetic field reverses direction
  2. 8. hypothesis that continents are in constant motion
  3. 11. naturally preserved remains, imprints, or traces of organisms
  4. 14. plate boundary where two plates separate
  5. 16. new oceanic crust forms at a mid-ocean ridge as old oceanic crust moves away
  6. 18. Wegener could not explain the ___________ that caused the continents to move.
  7. 19. plate boundary where two plates collide
  8. 22. mountain range located on the seafloor in the middle of the ocean
  9. 23. plate boundary where two plates slide by each other
  10. 25. force created by rising mantle of ocean ridges that creates potential for plates to move away from the ridge
  1. 1. ancient supercontinent, composed of land that forms today’s continents
  2. 2. polarity of magnetic field in which magnets orient themselves to point south
  3. 3. sinking of a denser plate below a more buoyant plate at a convergent plate boundary
  4. 4. cold, rigid outermost rock layer of Earth
  5. 5. middle layer of Earth situated between the crust above and the core below
  6. 6. Alfred Wegener proposed that at one time all the continents were part of one large __________.
  7. 9. Continental drift is the slow ___________ of Earth’s continental plates.
  8. 10. polarity of today’s magnetic field; magnets orient themselves to point north
  9. 12. circulation of material caused by differences in temperature and density
  10. 13. capable of being molded or changing shape
  11. 15. theory that Earth’s surface is made of rock plates that move with respect to each other
  12. 17. Wegener noticed that the shapes of the coastlines of the continents fit together much like pieces of a ___________.
  13. 20. Evidence of __________ in places that are now warm supported Wegener's hypothesis.
  14. 21. The farther away rocks are from the mid- ocean ridge, the _________ they are.
  15. 24. force created by sinking of a plate, or slab, that pulls on the rest of the plate