Chapter 1

  1. 2. a gathering of First Nations poeples to celebrate their cultures
  2. 4. a clan of the haudenosaunne
  3. 6. formal rules
  4. 9. groups of respected people that choose and advise mi'kmaq leaders
  5. 10. a leader in the mi'kmaq society
  6. 14. female leaders of clans in the haudenosaunne society
  7. 15. a man named dekanawidah, who brought the great law of peace to the haudenosauee
  8. 16. a clan of the aanishinabe
  9. 18. a contagious lung disease that mostly attackes the lungs
  10. 19. a haudenosaunee leader (male)
  1. 1. another way to say haudenosaunee
  2. 3. shell beadswoven into belts or strings used to record treaties and other agreements among different nations
  3. 5. a first nations group that lived around what is now the great lakes
  4. 7. the constitution of the haudenosaunne society
  5. 8. a special society of the Anishnabe people
  6. 11. an agreement among a group of nations to act together and support eachother's intrests
  7. 12. another name for the anishinabe
  8. 13. a first nations group that lived in what is now PEI,NS,NB
  9. 14. a way of making decisions where everyone agrees on the same thing
  10. 17. grandfather in anishinabe