Chapter 15

  1. 3. have children __ around the house
  2. 7. __ quotient
  3. 8. intelligence tests correspond to what is __ of children at various ages
  4. 9. ability to speak multiple languages
  5. 11. ask a child for __
  6. 13. learning is __ based
  7. 14. do __ criticize or correct
  8. 15. take __ and try new activities
  1. 1. repetition of certain sounds
  2. 2. the smallest individual sound in words
  3. 4. explain and __
  4. 5. __ form basis for children's learning
  5. 6. songs or chants with accompanying hand motions
  6. 10. art helps children express __
  7. 12. positive comments teach __ and encourage feelings of self worth