chapter 15

  1. 3. to add on,such as adding territory to an existing town,city or state
  2. 6. those free states and slave states which were next to each other
  3. 8. the idea that slavery should not be interfered with where it already existed and that the national government had the right to keep it from spreading into new territories
  4. 12. states that no longer allowed slavery or were in the process of abolishing it
  5. 14. a tax on import goods
  6. 15. legislation passed by Congress in 1820 by which Maine entered the Union as a free state
  7. 16. setting a fire
  8. 19. a series of roads,houses,river crossing,and people who helped southern slaves,mainly from the boarder states, escape to the north
  9. 21. city-centered
  1. 1. extreme loyalty given to a particular religion in the belief that their ideas and interests must be protected from other regions
  2. 2. states that allowed slavery
  3. 4. the idea of voiding and not following national laws within a state
  4. 5. the belief that the U.S was destined to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean
  5. 7. legislation passed by Congress by which California entered the Union as a free state,
  6. 9. a document issued by a state convention in 1850 that accepted the Compromise of 1850 but agreed to resist if the North did not live up to its obligations or if it hindered slavery
  7. 10. 1854 legislation created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and that contained a clause on popular sovereignty that negated the Compromise of 1850
  8. 11. an idea that allows the people in a new territory to decide an issue,such as whether to allow slavery
  9. 13. farm-centered
  10. 17. the belief that all powers not specifically given to the national government in the U.S constitution or specifically denied to the states remain with the states
  11. 18. older slaves the plantation owner thought were loyal
  12. 20. people who wanted to do away with slavery