Chapter 15 ec

  1. 3. 1st totalitarian state
  2. 4. music that contains blues
  3. 9. famous feminist
  4. 12. rapid cinematic shots
  5. 13. theoretical physicist
  6. 16. painted the migration
  7. 18. Moscow art founder
  8. 19. I had a dream speaker
  9. 20. 20th century leading artist
  1. 1. ballet artist
  2. 2. genre of Beckett waiting
  3. 5. China pop art leader
  4. 6. painted guernica
  5. 7. trip to the moon filmmaker
  6. 8. radical music development
  7. 10. pop art pioneer
  8. 11. artist that purges canvas
  9. 14. group led by hilter
  10. 15. unfair injustice
  11. 17. Dada art figure