Chapter 15 Handwriting & Document Analysis Crossword

  1. 4. the crossing of t’s or dotting of i’s and j’s.
  2. 6. a type of forgery one made by tracing a genuine signature.
  3. 7. a type of forgery one made without a model of the signature or writing being forged.
  4. 8. a known sample that is used for comparison; also referred to as a specimen.
  5. 10. to remove writing
  6. 11. a letter scheme where recipients are offered the “opportunity” to share in a percentage of millions of dollars if they first front some of their own money.
  7. 13. a type of forensics where the application of computer science to aid the legal process.
  8. 14. a design incorporated into the paper during manufacturing.
  9. 15. a type of forgery that one made by copying a genuine signature.
  1. 1. writing in which the slant of the letters is to the left of vertical.
  2. 2. the act of stealing valuable property by copying software, music, graphics/pictures, movies and books that are available on the Internet.
  3. 3. an item prepared with the intent to deceive or defraud.
  4. 5. software tools built with the purpose of committing online scams and stealing information from consumers and businesses.
  5. 9. the legal right of ownership of work produced in books, music, plays, movies, pictures/graphics, and computer software
  6. 12. writing impressions left under paper that has been written on.