Chapter 15 - Human Organ Systems

  1. 3. breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, eliminates waste
  2. 6. works together to help you breathe
  3. 8. major organ in the respiratory system
  4. 12. allows movement to occur in your body
  5. 13. your body's first line of defense - immune system
  1. 1. pumps blood throughout your body - respiratory system
  2. 2. transports oxygen, wastes, and other materials
  3. 4. your body's defense against viruses and disease
  4. 5. the skeletal system is made of these
  5. 7. supports your body and protects your organs
  6. 9. sends signals throughout your body to provide vital information
  7. 10. included in the digestive system
  8. 11. the organ in your nervous system that is similar to the nucleus