Chapter 15 Review

  1. 1. This amendment gave African American men the right to vote
  2. 4. To murder for political reasons
  3. 5. This was the leading cause of death for Civil War soldiers
  4. 6. A mandatory term of military service
  5. 7. A certificate offered for sale to the public with the promise that the government will pay the money back, usually with interest
  6. 10. Civil War _______ were fed poorly, often died of disease, often died of hunger, and lived in extremely uncomfortable conditions
  7. 11. People who listened to the Gettysburg Address were asked to think about the ideas of this founding document (3)
  8. 12. Lincoln and Grant offered very generous terms when Lee surrendered on _____ 9, 1865
  9. 15. Lee finally surrendered at this Virginia town
  10. 16. About 625,000 total soldiers ______ during the Civil War
  11. 17. The ________ changed its main commanding general often throughout the war
  12. 19. The amendment ended slavery in the United States
  13. 20. The Emancipation Proclamation said that slavery would end here if the seceded states didn’t give up and return to the Union
  14. 22. When the rules and laws of war are ignored and all available resources are used to defeat the enemy (2)
  15. 23. This Union victory was the turning point of the war
  16. 27. During General Sherman’s _________, he and the Union army travelled from Atlanta to Savannah and practiced the total war strategy (4)
  17. 29. At the start of the war, Lincoln said he would not end _________ because he needed the support of the Border States
  18. 31. Grant and the Union army finally captured this capital city of the Confederacy
  19. 32. This amendment guaranteed African Americans equal protection under the law
  20. 33. A person who has served in the military
  1. 2. Lincoln changed the focus of the war with his _________ (2)
  2. 3. The Emancipation Proclamation also announced that _________ could join the Union army (2)
  3. 8. The courageous 54th regiment from this state proved that African Americans could fight as well as anyone
  4. 9. This general had great success for the North and became Lincoln’s final choice to command the Union army, but was controversial because of his army had many casualties (last name only)
  5. 13. It upset many that _______ people could find exemptions for the draft
  6. 14. This was the last stronghold on the Mississippi River for the Confederacy that Grant finally captured for the North
  7. 18. The ______ won the Civil War
  8. 21. The right of an arrested person to be brought before a judge before going to jail (2)
  9. 24. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus to silence Northerners who _______ the war
  10. 25. The era following the Civil War was known as ________
  11. 26. The Gettysburg Address was a speech given by this man (last name only)
  12. 28. The __________ Act helped Americans find affordable land and more quickly settle the West
  13. 30. The value of Confederate money went _______ after they printed much more money