Chapter 15 Vocab

  1. 3. an act that breaks a law and causes harm
  2. 5. a process by which lawyers have the opportunity to check facts and gather evidence before a trial
  3. 6. a youth who committed an offense that is punishable by criminal processes
  4. 8. the process in which a defendant agrees to plead guilty to a less serious crime to recieve a lighter sentence
  5. 9. the final settlement & sentencing in a juvenile case
  6. 12. a state's written criminal laws
  7. 15. the person who is being sued
  8. 16. a notice directing someone to appear in court
  9. 18. minor crime for which a person can be fined a small sum of money or jailed for up to one year
  10. 21. taking charge of someone in an official way
  11. 22. a minor who commits a serious crime or repeatedly breaks the law
  12. 23. money ordered by a court to be paid for injuries or losses suffered
  13. 24. to correct a person's behavior
  1. 1. set of promises between agreeing parties that is enforceable by law
  2. 2. a youth charged with being beyond the control of their legal guardian
  3. 3. a formal notice that a lawsuit has been brought
  4. 4. a juvenile court process that is much like a preliminary hearing in adult criminal law
  5. 7. a lack of proper care and attention
  6. 10. the punishment given to someone found guilty of a crime
  7. 11. the procedure used to determine the facts in a juvenile case
  8. 13. the government in its role as the party that starts the legal proceedings against someone accused of a crime
  9. 14. the questioning of a witness at a trial or hearing to check or discredit the witness's testimony
  10. 17. a more serious crime such as murder, rape, kidnapping, etc
  11. 19. the person who files a lawsuit
  12. 20. wrongful act, other than breaking a contract; the injured party has the right to sue