Chapter 15 Vocabulary

  1. 1. The upper most branches of trees in the rain forest
  2. 2. very dry, or arid climate all year around
  3. 6. exists in cold nutrient rich climate waters
  4. 9. tropical climate zone that is very hot
  5. 10. a climate of a small specific place
  6. 12. phontosynthetic plankton
  7. 14. The air blanketing of Earth's sold and liquid surfaces
  8. 16. also known as boreal forest and is a cool climate
  9. 17. extends from the neritic zone to the base of the continental shelf
  10. 18. Is the part of the earth where life exists
  11. 19. animal plankton
  12. 20. extends from the intertidal zone out to the continental shelf
  1. 1. also called the mediterranean shrubland and has hot dry summers as well cool most winters
  2. 2. These trees have adapted to winter temperatures
  3. 3. beyond the Taiga and winter lasts 10 months a year
  4. 4. lies below 2000 meeters and is in compleat darkness
  5. 5. The features of Earth's serface
  6. 7. is an area where the primary plant life is grass
  7. 8. all of Earth's water,water vapor, and ice
  8. 11. is the strip of land between high and low tide lines
  9. 13. these trees retain their needles all winter and all year long
  10. 15. are tiny free floating organisms that live in water
  11. 18. is the collectionif living things in the biosphere
  12. 21. The long term pattern of weather conditions in a region